Monday, 29 June 2015

Why did I start a blog?

Recently, I have noticed that this is a topic that has come up again and again during Twitter chats and conversations I've had with other bloggers. When I finished uni, I knew I NEEDED (dramatic emphasis is completely necessary, no apologies) to start a blog to let me have somewhere to rekindle my love for writing and rediscover my passion for creativity. During my conversations with other bloggers about this, I realised there must be deeper reasons for me starting a blog than on the surface, so I got to thinking about other reasons which persuaded me to take the leap and join the bloggosphere!

On a side note, I really want to write a list post, so thought I would use this as an experiment.

Reason 1 - Creativity

As I have already said, I wanted to write creatively again. My course at uni was undeniably a writing degree through and through, but it had left me feeling restricted in terms of structuring pieces, in the content I could produce and in all honesty, towards the end I wasn't really enjoying it anymore.

Reason 2 - Job Prospects

Because of what I would like to do for a career, a blog is definitely something that will help me demonstrate my writing style to potential employers. In fact, whilst I have been sifting through application after application, more often than not, having my own blog and being able to show competency with social media is a desired requirement! I'm also hoping that by writing about things I am passionate about, my writing will be at its best, and will improve more - its a well known fact that writing is often worst when its a piece with no passion behind it! Fingers crossed its been a good move for me...

Reason 3 - A Project

I LOVE lists and short term goals. It makes me feel like I'm achieving things, making progress and improving myself if I create visual targets, or can cross something off of a list. So, after uni taking up so much (all of) my time for the last three years, as much as I was looking forward to a more relaxed lifestyle for a while, I still felt that I wanted a project to make me feel like I was being productive with my time. Linked to reason number 2, I also wanted to feel like I was continuing to work towards my goals, as I know finding a graduate job can take a while sometimes.

Reason 4 - A hobby!

I think this is perhaps the most important reason, which is why I saved it until last. Everyone needs a hobby. It's so nice to have something that relaxes your mind, distracts you from everyday pressures and commitments, and makes you feel like you've had some 'me time.' My blog is a reflection of things I love, and although I don't post about my personal life, I still feel like it is becoming 'my online space' rather than just 'a blog.'

The difference here is that I've grown a little attached to this page - it's more than just something for me to aim for, something to help my career, and somewhere to be creative. My blog is something I am proud of.

Why did you start blogging? Are your reasons similar or different to mine?  Should I do more list posts in future? I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Thanks for reading! x

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