Thursday, 23 July 2015

How I prepare for a productive day at home

Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am pretty organised. Not in such an extreme way that it becomes annoying (I hope not anyway!) but enough so that I can cram lots of fun, and unfortunately not so fun things into a short space of time. Everyone is unique and has their own way of being organised and productive, but I thought I would share with you exactly how I make sure I'm productive on days when I'm at home. Don't get me wrong, I'm as partial to a Netflix binge as the next person, but for those days when I need or want to be super productive, this is how I make sure it happens.

1. First things first, as soon as I wake up I make a to do list whilst waiting for my first steaming hot brew of the day to cool down. For me, this is the most essential step as putting pen to paper removes all those chaotic thoughts from my brain and gives them some sort of order and balance. I tend not to prioritise them immediately, but I do prefer to alternate a fun one with a boring-but-necessary one, a short with a long etc.

2. The 'me' part. I eat breakfast with my now cooled cup of tea, then shower. I always work best and most productively when I'm in a good mood, so now is the time to have my favourite breakfast, use my favourite shower gel and maybe even treat myself to a face mask if I'm feeling like pushing the boat out.

3. Clothes. I have such a love hate relationship with clothes. All issues aside, I'm happiest in comfy clothes (preferably pyjamas) so I like to don a clean pair of pjs if I'm planning on being productive. I realise how backwards this sounds, but hey, it works for me!

4. Where you choose to set up shop for the day is super important to increasing productivity. Sometimes that's in my bed as my room is clean and decorated in fresh colours which helps my mind feel settled. Other times it's the kitchen table looking out onto the Yorkshire hills. I like to just see how I feel (and yes, where I sit to be productive is usually as spontaneous as I get, what a granny!) Either way, you'll find me with another hot cup of tea, my laptop, a lit candle to suit my mood and a bit of Ed Sheeran playing in the background. Accompanied by my to do list, I am ready for the day ahead.

If you've taken anything else from this post other than my love for hot cups of tea and my inability to function without a to do list, then you've done well, but this is how I make sure I use my day in the best way possible, which is actually really satisfying.

How do you prepare for a productive day at home? Do you do anything differently to me? Let me know!

Thanks for reading x


  1. I like to be organised too, I can't deal with mess as it just decreases my productivity. I love making to-do lists, though I do make them before I go to bed so I know exactly what I'm doing the next day. Plus several cups of tea a day also increases my productivity aha! Lovely post, enjoyed reading it!!

    -Nabeela xo

    1. Exactly, organisation and tea are the key to productivity! Thanks for reading, glad you enjoyed it!
