Monday, 1 February 2016

The 'Lost in a book' tag

I first saw this post on Aisling's Beauty Bytes and decided that it would be a great one to get myself back into blogging with. I love posting a tag from time to time - even if it is one I've decided to take part in without being tagged in! Hope you find it interesting.

Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
No. I just like to feel really comfy and chilled out when I read, so as long as I can do that I'll read anywhere. Of course, reading in bed is what most of us bookworms would deem a perfect reading haven, but anywhere where I can get cosy in my comfiest clothes and lose myself for a few hours will do. One day, it's my dream to create a reading nook in my home - my Pinterest account even has a board dedicated to this! A girl can dream.

Bookmark or random piece of paper?
Ideally a bookmark. There's just something about laying a proper bookmark between the pages of a beloved novel which just makes the reading experience complete. However, I would absolutely use a random piece of paper if it meant that I could save the corners of the pages from being folded over. That's just not ok!

Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop at a chapter?
I tend to stop reading anywhere to be honest. If it's a really compelling book, I might plough on until I reach the end of a chapter, but I'd rather stop reading in the middle of a chapter if I'm finding it a chore to read and start afresh next time.

Do you eat or drink whilst reading?
I don't really eat whilst reading, but it's rare that you'll find me without a cup of tea!

E-reader or real book?
Until a few years ago, I would undoubtedly have argued that real books would be the only way to get my attention. But then I bought a Kindle and fell in love with e-readers. I still prefer to have my favourite novels and a lot of the classics in real book form, but anything I'm not bothered about keeping hold of, or displaying on my bookshelf, I'm ok with reading electronically. A lot of books are actually cheaper to buy this way, and I've now become so used to using my e-reader that I find it a chore to prop open a real book with two hands nowadays! Oh, the struggles.

Music or TV while reading?
Most of the time I prefer it to be quiet - the less distractions, the better to concentrate.

One book at a time or several at once?
I'd love to say I only read one book at a time - and most of the time that's true. But sometimes there's just the need to be reading several at once, isn't there? For example, if you get bored of one book and need a break from it, or if you're reading a huge fantasy book (I'm looking at YOU, Game of Thrones!) and fancy reading an autobiography. Sometimes it just has to be done.

Reading at home or everywhere?

Reading aloud or silently in your head?
I used to pretend to one of my sixth form tutors that I had a perpetual sore throat so I didn't have to read out loud. I think that should give you my answer.

Fiction or non-fiction?
Fiction - unless it's an autobiography, and then I just can't help myself but be nosy.

Do you read ahead or skip pages?
I try not to most of the time...

Break the spine or keep a book like new?
Break the spine! It's a sign of a well loved book, after all.

Do you write in your books? 
Not any more. I tried to as I was told by many people that it would help me whilst at uni, but I just couldn't escape the thought that I was defacing a piece of art, and a copy of someone's work.

Your favourite book?
I was dreading having to answer this question as there are so many! I love Jane Eyre. I think it was one of the first classic novels I read, and I've now reread this many a time. It encapsulates everything I love about literature in one novel. It probably won't surprise you to hear that I love everything Daphne Du Maurier as well. I'm a bit of a traditionalist at heart, but I also have a lot of time for the likes of Harry Potter! 

So there we are! I don't want to tag anyone in this as I think it's a nice one to discover for yourself, but do let me know if you decide to do this as I'd love to have a read. 

Thanks for reading x

1 comment:

  1. This was such a lovely read! I think we have a lot of the same reading habits, although I am partial to dog-earing a page (It adds to that well-loved look ;]) and the day I pick up an e-reader will be the day reading is lost to me lol
    I also have a 'Book Nook' board on my pinterest though, we should swap pins ;)

    Chloe x | Snug Corner
